
Honggee and Jonghwa

Honggee's 극한shirt was great!
극한 is a Korean word meaning the most possible limit!
(If you see 2 squares instead of a Korean word, it means
you have to change the options or settings of your pc)

Jonghwa's I love ba(pe) shirt was great too!
Even his t shirt inside was nice!

honggee was wearing
-shoes by Nike, denim by Gstar, shirt by Supreme I think,
hoody by American Apparel, glasses by Rayban-

jonghwa was wearing
-shoes by Bape, shorts by ?, t-shirt inside by Union,
and sweatshirt by Bape-


I think Seunghwan is a good athlete.
He plays tennis even after his frisbe practice


Stephen was actually very good at
The way he looks at the ball in the air shows
his philosophical approach to juggling.


Keith's purple hat is very trendy!
(Purple is now predominant in Oakwood)
His unintentional pausing makes him more fashionable.

Skateboard Club

Ironically, members in skate board club
were really into basketball!
That's a sacrelige!!!!
But John was still sort of skateboarding though!
I hope SkateboardClub prosper!

Harrison and I

Harrison asked me for another fashion tip!

Well, I don't know a lot...
I'll try though.

I was so happy this morning because I found
those pants which I thought I lost!

-hat by Peks and Mini, shirt by Henrik Vibskov, vest by
wesc, pants by Jeremy love Ksubi, shoes by bellybutton-


Rachael is always on my blog!
It is probably because she is stylish,
and friendly at the same time!

Her glasses were impressive!

-glasses by Paul Smith-


Q's shirt and shoes match in that
they are both brown!
His shirt is so brown that
he can spill hot chocolate without even noticing it:D


I always liked Anna's boots.
They cover half of her legs, which makes them
even more chic!
Soren's style is more cutting-edge though.

Zoe and Ben

Zoe and Ben were showing their casts!
Zoe's cast is really stylish while
Ben's looks like ordinary jeans!


Mathew got new hair style and I didnot even notice
that he was him when i saw him!
More stylish!


I think I am pro paparazi now!
Nicely angled, nicey focused, nicely.....

Celia's red shoes are her trademark!

-shoes by converse as many of you already know-

Oak Store

Oakwood store is a fun place!
You can buy snacks and some clothes!
Look at shiny Pete and beatiful sweatshirt.
Go there and spend some money!

Thinking outside the box

We always have to think outside the box you know.
I am proud of that beatiful artwork!

Don't touch that eventhough you love it!

Zoe Ben Jake Angela Sierra Kelsie

I wanted a pic of Zoe.....
But, Zoe was the only one who did not come out!

Ben was the only one who noticed me!


I think Dan is pro-russian!
He loves that blue russian hoody!
He may also like Andrey (as a friend)!

Natallie Will Eunji

Natallie and Eunji captured Will who was on the
bathroom trip. Will seems somewhat embarrased.

Anyway, Eunji's shirt and Natallie's jacket matched!


I noticed that almost every faculty member
wears same clothes every day
not you though, Lacey.

"Oh God.", she said.


Dylan was unbelievably cool today!
He was wearing butterfly wings and a
red necklace!

The wings he's wearing
revealed his unconscious desire
to fly.


Harrison's head is much smaller than mine...
so my hat did not fit him......
It looks good on him thought, doesn't it?
oh he did not wear that hoody today!


Chad's wearing nice shirt!
Although his style does not really change, we
now have to notice mere differences!


Iknow his sister and he looks quite alike her.
Only thing I remember about her is that she loved

Peace, Justin!

photo by harrison