
Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero!!!
I've never played that before, but I see some dudes who are
crazy about guitar hero!

I may have to play that game someday to be cool!
Ellaih and HArry were competing against each other!
Since Ellaih's pose looks more pro, Ellaih probably
defeated Harry!

*i don't know if i spelled Ellaih correct...

Natallie Molly Julie

Natallie Molly Julie
Natallie Molly Julie
Natallie Molly Julie

Their names sound good together!
It rhymes I guess!

Molly was the only one who was aware of my presence at
that moment! In other words, Molly was photographed while
jullie and Natallie were paparazzied!


I realized that there are more pics to upload just now...

Anyway, this is Ana O who was disappointed by the fact that
picture of her cast was not blogged!

She is still probably disappointed....
would this post soothe her?


I haven't seen Rachel for a while, so it was good to see her!
She seemed to be exhausted by the fatally hot weather!


I don't have any cars/dogs, so this poster was
irrelevant to me.

I've never washed car or dog, so I don't know if
that's a good deal, but Iguess
some of you who have dogs/cars better try that thing to
help out seniors!

If they can wash my scooter..... :]

Eng Exam

All of us had to take Eng Exam today unless you are special!
Some looked tired while some were quite excited.
I was unenthusiastic as always.

Rebecca Anna Daisy and Lucia were just chilling on the floor.
But then....

Lucia and Daisy sat next to me and posed in a weird way!
If what I had to take were art exam, i could have been
inspired by them, but their pose didn't help me that much on English Exam.
It refreshed my mind though = p


Brian sat in front of me.....
He and I sat on the worst chairs!
We didn't know how the intense sunlight would
kill us.
During the exam, we had to escape to the shade!
Ah.. it was horrible to sit right under the sun!

Keith Sarah

Keith and SJP were also chilling on the sofa.....

Oh, Keith put SJP's red jacket on, and it was unexpectedly
good on him as it was good on Sean!!!
I should try that jacket too!

Ellaih Harrison

Ellaih and Harrison were chilling on the sofa.
There's Nothing very cool about chilling on the sofa,
but they were cool!

Oliver Katherine Lindsey Stephanie

Oliver has really big hands!!!
Everyone tried their hands on his hands, but
Oliver's were the biggest.

I have comparatively large hands too, but
his were really really big!
(I don't know why everything is underlined)

Spain vs Russia

Some dudes were watching Russian dudes playing against
Spanish dudes!
As soon as I got there, one of Spanish dudes scored, and
everyone screamed out with joy.

Andrey who didn't know anything came in and asked
Korean dudes what's happening.
They said Spain just killed Russia!
but Andrey said Russia will never lose!

I think Russia lost though unless they won.


Yesterday was Jongbum's birthday, and
today's Byung kyu's birthday.
For me,
Jongbum's birthday on the left was much more
delicious than Byung kyu's birthday cake!

Happy Birthday Kyu!

Dead Bug

Someone killed that poor bug by exerting certain amount of pressure
on that paper featuring how cool composting is!

Even the liquid from its body is visible!

Stephanie Zach

I was listening to Mephisto Waltz w/ my ipod.
But then, as Zach started to play the piano, it seemed like
he was playing that piece.
so I could enjoy it better for a moment.

Then, Steph came.... and cool illusion/hallucination broke apart!
Because Mephisto Waltz is for one player, the image
and the sound started to unmatch!

Though, it was good to see them playing the piano together.
It is one of the most romantic things to do!


JP often comes to my room and asks me,
"Did I make it on the thing today?"

I say,"Yes." whether or not he made it, since
I just can show him old posts of him eventhough
I don't blog him on that day.

I will try to be honest from now on! Sorry JP.


Card game

Nora brought a fun cardgame for her students including me.

I won the first card, so I thought Iwas going to win but then
I couldn't earn any cards but "Scary" card, and "Hopeless" card after all.

Does it mean that I am Scary and Hopeless?

Dylon almost passed out since he laughed too much during the game.


I wasn't gonna upload this picture, since I got
better pic of Hannah later in the afternoon with Nate.

Though, I am afraid of Nora who will get mad at me
for not uploading the pic that she took!

Nora was so happy that this picture is not only good but also
Hannah, in the picture, was scared!!


Nora calls Julian Mundy Jumundy.
I guess she calls him that because
she wants to abbreviate Julian's name in a cool way!
Ju of Jumundy doesn't mean Jews!


I blog Zoe everyday!
I actually have to blog Zoe everyday, because
I want to blog her as much as I can before she leaves.
I will miss you :(


Peter's holding picture of someone.

He told me that that person is himself, but
I think that looks like Rumack!

Most people except for Peter himself, and Alex Knauss
agreed that that person looks more like Rumack than Peter Z!
I believe you though Peter =D


This lady was taking pic of ETAF!
I joined ETAF at the last meeting, so I am
probably the newest member! Well,
I don't even know if I am a member...

But Caroline told me that I could be in the picture, so
I assume that I am a member of ETAF!

Thanks, Car!