

Jooyeob wore new t-shirt and
hat!! Looking good.
Ireally like that shirt!


Izabela's belt was impressive!
Her hairstyle was also
very new to me :d


This is an inchworm on Zoe's stick!
I thought it was quite cute.....

About 2hours later, I encountered another inchworm
at NYMA which resembles the inchworm on
Zoe's stick.

They actually looked identical to me.

A caterpillar

This is Lauren's caterpillar! well....
It is involutarily abducted by Lauren, so
saying that it's Lauren's would be unfair for that
caterpillar. I can't wait till it becomes a butterfly!

Dog in a swimsuit

This dog is catwalking(or dogwalking) the
dog fashion show!
I got this pic from a random website.
So cute!

Zoya Zoe

Zoya and Zoe!
Zoya's cardigan and skirt're fine together.
Zoe's face is so funny+

John Harry Kip

John Harry Kip were arguing about something...
Probably for snacks! I assume that John had
all the snacks, and Harry was trying to get some!


I think Gretchen has
"themes" when she wears clothes like me.
I can't interprete it, but her style's quite

Jamie Erin Morgan

Jamie Erin Morgan suggested me to
have some donuts.... I said no since
I don't like donuts... but I still appreciate them!


I was doing my hwk...
I realized that my back is so bent!

Q and Jongchan

Q and Jongchan were watching Korean TV show.
They are so into it!