
Harry Anna Daisy Lee

I was totally confined by Harry Anna Daisy and Lee
at the corner!

If they were gangs who came to beat me up,
I probably could not escape from them
(because i was really blocked by them and a big rectangular
plastic table)!

By the way, we were signing yearbooks!
I will miss everyone except for myself during summer :(


It's not a piano, but
a composition of plastic, wood, and stuff making sound.
I want a real piano :( ......

The problem is that I am the person
who broke all the pianos in oakwood, so I
have no one to blame, except for the school
which doesn't have enough money to fix them.

If I become a rich, I will buy a nice/ black grand piano
made by
Steinway and Sons.


Sierra, for some reason, hasn't been blogged for a while,
apparently because I did not blog her!
There's no particular reason... I think I just havent seen her for
a while.

Anyway, her outfit was really simple/minimal, but stylish!
It's really hard to be stylish w/ plain tshirt, you know.

Amanda Sean

"Take picture of picture of me and Sean." said Mandy.

Mandy, do you know how postmodern that is?

Mandy who asked me to take pic of pic of her who
,some time in the future which was right at that moment, would
ask me to take pic of pic of her who, some time in the future which was
right at that moment, would ask me to take pic of pic of her.

It makes sense, but it's hard to understand.


John murmured:
"where's zoe...where's zoe...where's zoe...where's zoe...where's zoe..."

I asked him why he wanted Zoe 5 times.

He said,
"because she has to sign on my chest!"

"Why your chest?"

he said,
"because I don't have an yearbook!"

I almost asked.
"Why don't you have your yearbook?"

Well, even if Zoe signs on John's
chest or whatever that is, the marker, or pen will
fade out, you know.

He shouldn't take shower to preserve Zoe's sign
for a long time, or he really doesn't.

Steph Zach Jill Winnie Tom

I hate when certain number of people are gathered together,
because I have to name them all!!!

If there are too many dudes, I can just pluralize them, but
five of them are not too many to not name them
and still too many to name them.
I can't hurt them by not writing their names, so
I just do it anyway.

The point's that
Steph Zach Jill Winnie Tom
were hanging out on that bench that I've never sat on!


Those folks were playing soccer.

I told Jongchan, who was next to me, to play soccer with them.

He said, "I can't play. Well, let's put it this way: I shouldn't play."

"Why not?", I asked him.

"People will get passed out if I play soccer, since I am...
I am too good!", said he.

After the talk, I suggested him not to play soccer, because
I thought he could get suspended for making others
passed out!

Insu Jongchan I

Insu visits Oakwood every year to give
a lecture to dudes in English 10.
I met him once last year, so I was quite excited!
I don't think he remembers me though :(

Anyhow, even after the class, Jongchan was there
enthusiastically throwing questions to Insu!

I somehow earned a delicious donut filled with beige fluid from
Dunkin Donuts too.
HE's really a nice guy :)
I promised him that I would send him these pics!


Daisy was wearing vintage glasses!
She said those are her father's.

Does it mean that her eyes aren't well?
or her father's eyes are really well?
or she's wearing them in spite of dizziness?

I don't know, but they are cool!

Guest speakers

It was so weird to see the actress from
the movie in the real world!

It was an interesting speech too!
At this point, now I wonder why that actress
chose that outfit. I think she's wearing
comparatively too fancy outfit
to visit highschool students.

Well, looking too ordinary is not that good either....
I understand=.>


Kimbo tried to swallow strange unknown
powder that Chris Y suggested.

She couldn't!!!!!!
Is that 100% cinamon powder or something?


"Word! Yes!", responded Harrison to someone.

Then Nora pointed out that "Saying Yes after Word
is redudant! It's like saying yes twice!"

Harrison argued w/ Nora for a while....

By the way, it's new to see coke in dining hall.
The dining hall should serve soft drinks for those whose
priority is pleasure rather than health.

Sonia-common malapropism

Soniabecame the victim of common malapropism.

Alex P said,
"Is he dead or something?"

Hochul pointed out,

Alex P said,
"oh.......yeah, he's she!"

Sonia woke up after all!
I think her auditory receptor sent signals to
adrenal gland by reflex arc
(ignoring the CNS but right through interneuron)!
How could she suddenly wake up?

Lola Run Lola Run Lola Run

I watched a movie about a young lady who does not stop
running in NOra's postmodernism.
It's not that she(not Nora, Lola)'s retarded, but... she runs to save his
Nora, to make it more postmodern, she jumped in front of the
projector and ran after Lola!

Lola is probably faster than Seunghwan Go.

Ana Nora Gretchen

"You don't sit next to me anymore!", said Ana to Gretchen.

Gretchen responded, "because I hate you."
(it was the meanest thing I've ever heard from
Gretchen's mouth)

"You know it's much easier
to confess how you feel about someone
at the end of the year!", said Nora.

Nora added, "By the way Jeongsoo, why aren't you uploading
pictures of me while you are uploading pictures of
many other teachers? Iknow You took multiple pics of me!"

I told her that pics of her were purely for school brochure, not
for my blog.. I like her though. I hope Nora's alright with me:D


Ben wrote "blog me more!" on my yearbook,
so I blog him more than I used to.
I am quiet obedient :D

Zach Morgan

Zach was passionately massaging Morgan!!!
See? he was vibrating faster than the shutter of my camera.
The shutter speed was 1/40 seconds!