
Rachael and Ted

This is one of the loveliest pictures I've taken
in my life.
This can be one of the loveliest pictures you've
seen in your life too!


Due to the strange setting of my camera,
I can know in what order the pics were taken..
This is 5678th picture I have taken with
my camera!
(Doesn't number 5678 look good?)
and that's Anna eating brownie :D

Nate Nat

Nate and Nat
were working on the project that Nora assigned.
They have to continue the unfinished story in
a style of Italo Calvino...

They were almost writing porn!
(the chapter they chose was really
sexual chapter indeed)


Daisy was pointing at her favorite chips!

I've tasted it when I was confined in
SAT camp in Long Island! It was actually
delicious, but that snack evokes a bad
memory of SAT camp.

Her jacket looks stylish!
I think the pattern used in that jacket resembles
that used in one of Sarah T's jackets!


Steph did really well in the musical yesterday..
She's really a gymnast.

Will and Ted

Will and Ted!

Ted loved this picture and told me to send it to him!
I was glad to see him satisfied.
Nice speech, Ted:D


Dylan kidnapped me to the computer lab
in the library!
He exploited me as a typer....
It was reasonble abduction though, since
Nora told us to collaborate...

Lauren Mandy

Mandy pretended to be angry to look like
a gangsta, but Lauren who wasn't
aware of Mandy's intention looks too happy
in this pic.
It's like seeing an angel and a devil!
(I know Mandy will kill me)


John was wearing
TSX shirt!
I know TSX; it's in Galleria mall right?
I bought navy jeans about 1.5 years ago...
and I have a 20% discount-coupon too!


Charlie was substituting Bill D who went to
see his son graduating.
I recognize number of different
collared shirts by Lacoste wore by Charlie!
That's how Lacoste becomes more and more famous!

Jongchan Jongbum Jooyeob Geesu

Jongchan Jongbum Jooyeob and Geesu
tried to look like gangs....
Gee su looks so funny!

(click this image to see the enlarged version)

Randy's mom and RAndy

Randy's mom and RAndy
look alike! I was quite surprised by
Randy's mother for she looks so young!
(not young young ,but young compared to
her probable age)

Dan F

Dan F was way too closed up.
This pic is almost scary!
It resembles pic of Harry....
not because Dan looks like Harry, but just
because they both were too close to the lens!


Gretchen doesn't like to be photographed, but
I sometimes want to blog her, so i just paparazzi her!

But these days, Anna O often interrupts me to
make me unable to capture Gretchen!

By the way, I heard that Oakwood Tennis hoody
is designed by Mandy and Gretchen.


Peter B said, "It's a nice pic of Kimbo."
I nodded, of course!

Julian Peter

Julian and Peter were agressively arguing about
the characters in Street Fighters, a famous game.
Peter claimed one character is grown under the
influence another character while Julian
denounced it.
(They almost fought!!!!)
But then, their debate was solved by
agreeing that none of the characters in
Street Fighters are likable.


Food was given to us and was eaten by us.
It soon will leave our bodies too.


Today's CM was held in the theater.
I liked his speach; it was miraculous to see
him relating African Music to Social Justice and
how we have to be like.

He told us that we have to be committed, not

Ron Ed

Ron told me to take a pic of Ed.
Ron looked liked he wanted to be photographed, so
I photographed him too with my lenience!


NAjah' so red like
a Mexican red hot pepper!
I guess she can easily work at


I loved how Peter walked
in the musical!

I forgot to put a memory stick in my camera so
I was unable to take pics of the play, but
Hochul sent me those pics, and
pics will be uploaded on this sunday of saturday!

Ben S Sierra O

Ben S Sierra O..
They are like brother and sister with lil bit of exaggeration!
I miss my brother who is too far away from me:(
(he's not dead though; I mean that he is literally far away from me)


Jonghwa's wearing shorts and thin
t-shirt, and he seemed very unprepared for the
unexpectedly cold weather of today!
I was in the same's was too cold.

tshirt by Bathing APe.

Kevin's gameboy

Some of you may have seen the post about the
Surprisingly, Kevin's gameboy did not runout of battery,
so he could play on the way back to his home yesterday!

Harry R

Harry R was daringly approaching to the lens...
This pic is a correspondant consequence
to his deed!

Nat Nat

Nate and Nat were improvising
in Aminor!


Hudson was playing with his toy during
collection. He was really cute, but
he was suspended by Elaine!!