

This post would be the last one updated in the us this year!
(unless I upload graduation pics in JFK!
Pics of graduation day are more likely to
be uploaded in Korea!)

It was very strange/meaningful year to me.
in that
I started a blog for the 1st time, and many of you liked it!

I will continue to upload my blog in KOrea to
keep my english skill fresh and to entertain you!
(There'll be pics of Japan too, so look forward to them!)

See you tomorrow and then see you in September!
You, the viewers/my friends, encouraged me to continue this blog!
Thank you, really.

Harry w/ toys

Since toys can easily get ruined in the storage in the dorm,
I asked HArry to keep my toys safe!
He's a fan of Gorillaz so it's also good for him!

Harry said he bought that Gorillaz shirt when he was
3rd grader!I wondered how it can fit him til now!
( he said it was really really big for him when he first bought it)


Daisy's wearing a huge diamond ring!

Her one-piece is also nice:)
I think she generally looks good in a one-piece!

I am gonna miss her style for next 3 months!


Anna's showing her old cardigan!
(she said it's old)
I think it's stylish but doesn't it make her hot?
(*hot temperature wise)

oh... she's not returning next year.
I heard she's going to Norway.
Well, good luck!

"Zoe you have to be that white thing, because you are white and
taller than me."

"and you, be that asian guy."

To wish good luck for both Zoe herself and me, Zoe
made those figures hold 4 leafed clover together!

She wondered why there are holes on the feet.


Zoe sat next to me for the exam.

I told her that where she sat is really good place to
take exam since she's right under the AC, right under
the pleasing sunlight , and right next to me!

She smiled after everything's done.
She's officially done w/ highschool!


Andrey gave me a piece of starburst as Zach F usually does!
(he has to be our next starburst boy!)

"It's a lucky candy; you will get A+, but you
won't do better than me!", said Andrey.

Pre calc Exam!

Pre calc Exam!
it was stressful, discouraging, and tiring.

4-leafed Clover

Zoe found 4-leafed Clover!

3 leafed clovers= normal people w/ two arms
4 leafed clover= a mutant(deformed) person w/ three arms
it doesn't sound very lucky, but
that's how i think =p


MAriah said Ana put the sticker that used to be an apple's.
I like how it looks on the t-shirt, but I guess
it'd come off very easily.

She has to superglue it and should not wash that shirt again to
preserve the sticker in a good condition.

Chris Gerry

Chris is holding my Gorillaz figure and Gerry's
bunnifying Chris.

That figure guy is somewhat like Chris :p

Zoe Zoya

It seems like Zoe's signing Zoya's yearbook!!
I bet Zoe did not write something very boring like,
"have fun in summer", or "it was fun this year"!

(I will see what Zoe wrote when I sign Zoya's yearbook)


I will be nice to your brother.
HAve fun w/ doing what you like!

(you were so into Guitar Hero, so I
couldn't ask you to re-sign my yearbook;
do it tomorrow)


Harry found a guy resembling Ed!
They found someone like Dave too, but
i didn't think that lady looked like Dave so didn't photograph it.


Venom's passionately studying math!
I hope how fast he moves his hands and
his actual grade are directly proportional.

Leah Sierra

Leah and Sierra were studying something!
(probably Alg II)

But can you study math w/ notecards?


Joojoo left before graduation!
(bad girl)
Well, have a good flight.

Campus Exterior

This is a random pic of Campus Exterior!
How beautiful....


Natallie and Sunita were astonished by my presence.
They thought I shouldn't know
what seniors are making!
(i actually shouldn't.)
Sarah settled them down by saying
"He's okay"
"Yes.. I am okay", I thought.


You see those seniors making something ,but you don't know what it is!
I know, but I don't have to tell you:D
(because you are gonna know what it is anyway)


It should be really hard to arrange those chairs like that!

Lost and Found

Those are Lost and Found clothes!

About 2-5months ago i lost my vest, so
I looked through that pile, but I couldn't find mine...

Foreign Language!

I was waiting for math exam but then it happened to be
Foreign Language exam!

I ran away from those who were about to take the Foreign Language exam!

Marisa Telma

I had difficulty in taking pic of Nate because Marisa and Telma
suddenly blocked the camera!

well, they are nicely photographed photographed though.


"Why am I not on the blog anymore?"

I thought Nate's question was quite K-lewish...
He's eating cinamon raisen bagel w/ creme cheese!
Thumb up?


Issac's a funny dude.
He hits me and doesn't say anything.
(i may have to hit him back!)

He looked especially cute today, since
it's the last day of school!

Mandy Sean

Mandy and Sean!
Amanda always tries to look emo, but
this pic especially looks emo to me!

By the way, emo means aunt in Korean.
(You know it if you read that ghost brother thing)

SJP Keith

SJP is much easier to type than Sarah!

By the way, SJP posed for the blog!
(i am not a paparazzi anymore)

I like Keith's funny face =]


Do not open
(open after the lecture) said the sticker!
Athough those pics may look the same,
I can sense
subtly different beauty that each of them emits !

Speed Racer

I heard Speed Racer is a bad movie.
I encourage you not to wacth it, but if
you like to watch bad movies and explore hidden beauties of them,
you should watch it.

Jungbin Sonia

Jungbin and Sonia wore exactly same outfits today!!!!
Jungbin informed me that they bought those clothes
together but never planned to wear them on the same day!