Keep in touch!
Leave your e mail adress/phone number/
aim/meebo/msn/ aol/ and such..... on comments!!!
Especially if you are not returning = (
Mine is.....
meebo- louisfrommars
aim- louisfrommars
msn- tmakxmvlrm@yahoo.co.kr
e mail- tmakxmvlrm@naver.com/tmakxmvlrm@yahoo.co.kr
-Include my screen name on yours!-
Leave your e mail adress/phone number/
aim/meebo/msn/ aol/ and such..... on comments!!!
Especially if you are not returning = (
Mine is.....
meebo- louisfrommars
aim- louisfrommars
msn- tmakxmvlrm@yahoo.co.kr
e mail- tmakxmvlrm@naver.com/tmakxmvlrm@yahoo.co.kr
-Include my screen name on yours!-