
It's a humid/moist/rainy/wet day.
I liked how it was today,
because it has been too warm and dry these days!

Zoe Sacha

Zoe and Sacha!
They were hugging and greeting!

Sacha used to be a student here last year, and
still often visits Oakwood.
Nice to see her :)

JP Jen

JP and Jen aren't usually blogged together.
I couldn't really figure out the reason, but
I guess it's because of my tendancy not
to disrupt them dating!


Nice pose!

I found $22 on the floor and asked Zoya
if that's hers. It wasn't hers.... and
we didn't know what to.
I fled with the money and gave it to Dauna!

If someone lost that money, go see Dauna.

By the way, her shoes looked nice:D


GErry said
Paul bought him that hoody with stars
long time ago!!
Gerry loves it:D
I like it too.

Will's mom

Will's mom was appreciated for
her dedication!
I especially liked Brownie part of her dedication.
I want to figure out her
secret Recipe!


Gabie and someone's hand.....
I wonder whose hand that is.
I bet it's really hard to love gabbie!

pic by Keith



Dinner time

Mariah Kevin

Keith paparazzied Mariah and Kevin!
Very blurry though....
Keep working on it, Keith!

pic by keith


"GRRrrrrrrrr", said Kimbo, I think.

I realized that my glasses are broken
after Kimbo's trial, but I don't think
she broke them.


pic by Stephanie Taylor


Alexes are there!
There's sorta synergy effect when they are together!



JP usually eats junkfood instead of school food for
Junkfood is, in fact, more delicious sometimes!

But for your health, jp....
You should eat some good food like
salad w/ balsamic vinegar!

Zach Steph

Aw....Zach and Steph are sitting on
the same bench...(one of the most uncomfortable benches in oakwood).

I was going to upload pics from Zach's Birthday party, but
I don't have enough time to do that since it's final....
I will do it if I can though.


Han basically started the idea of singing
korean Anthem, and I was just a victim who
somehow got involved in that performance!

I really enjoyed it though, since it was my 1st time
performing together w/ others!
Thanks for planning that thing, Han =>

Ted Rachael

There were so many people coming in and out in
the artroom.
Ted and Rachael were two of those who signed on my yearbook!

Ah..that just reminded me of Venom who has my yearbook.
i hope it's safe!


This picture is really nice!

Ijust took pic of her without any expectations, but then
it came out quite cool!

She liked it too, I think:D


I drew Will on Will's yearbook!
It looks better than how he looks in the real world, so he has to
appreciate my drawing!
(or depreciate me for being too unreal and idealistic)

Anyway, I wrote good things/stuffs about/for him!

Zoe's grandmother's class ring

Zoe's wearing Zoe's grandmother's class ring!
I guess it's a quite nice thing to do to make
classrings! I wish oakwood does that too.

I assume that Zoe's grandmother was in a class of 1940s.


Katherine tatooed Imani!
Imani got sort of mad and tatooed Katherine back.

Ithink that looks good though; I sometimes draw silly things
on my hand for fun too.

Nate Sean

Nate and Sean were
mostly covered w/ red.
My glasses look good on Nate!

By the way, Sean's wearing Sarah Power's
jacket! Unexpectedly, it looked really good on him:d

Stephanie Imani

Stephanie, Imani(it rhymes)
were signing yearbooks for each other!
I made them sign mine too!

OH...Irealized that Venom, also known as
Peter Zimermann has my yearbook!

Where is he!!!!? I couldn't see him after
I handed him my yearbook!

Zoe Ben

Zoe and Ben usually sit there
during B period.

John S said that he started that shirt Zoe's wearing and
then several people(including Zoe, kelsey)
somehow started to wear them.
Who knows?

Anyway, John got that shirt( according to himself)
in Spain or some sorta foreign place.
Has Zoe ever been to Spain?


Honggee avoids me or my camera these days...
but i still photograph him!
Her jeans with shiny coating looked good!



It was Will's last collection!
He said it's lil bit sad, and not really sad
at the same time!
I love that pocket watch which he got for
running the community really well.
Good job this year!


Keith got new green t-shirt from enjoi!
One big panda is thinking of a small panda.

Iguess that big one is thinking of a female panda
which it likes.
or I guess that big panda is thiking of a male panda if
it were a female panda.
(Eventhough that panda is male, it still can think
of a male panda; it'll look lil bit lame though)
Or else: that big panda is thinking of itself...
Or else: that's just random drawing of two pandas, which
is designed to confuse its viewers!

Korean anthem!

Lacey told me to play KOrean Anthem on the piano.
I was not really ready since I printed that
sheetmusic yesterday evening!!!!
But, I think everything went fluently...

The fact that Minji could not sing
out loud was quite shocking since she's usually really loud!:D