
A random stylish guy

I asked him if I could take pic of him.
He said yes, but he said he's not so stylish today.

I think he is trendy.

By the way, the pants he's wearing cost well over
$500, and his shoes are about $1100!
I believe he's rich.

-pants/top/shoes by Rick Owens-

Daily Projects

My mom drank Americano.
She almost passed out due to sleepiness
before she drank that.


I am almost done w/ this artwork...
I may finish it today hopefully.

A picture of artwork is also technically art, so
this pic, a pic of artwork, is also an artwork.
If one takes pic of pic of art, that'd be a very
pomo(postmodern) art!

Drawing Bicycle

One of the hometests that art schools require is
drawing a bicycle!

It's my tutor's house... and that's her son's bicycle.
Iam afraid of drawing it :<


I found a bar named Juju!
It's not joojoo but it sounds joojoo enough!

Ju means "alcohol".

Mrs Loli


"Mrs Loli" is an Italian restaurant
in Hakdong, Seoul.

It was my 1st time going there....
and pastas were really nice!
I ate Pomodore, and my mom ate Seafood Marinara!

I am willing to go there again :D


I was walking by.....
and the noise those dudes was making irritated my ears
really bad!

Cold Stone

I never knew that there's Cold Stone in KOrea!
Would it taste different?


This is a famous fashion institute(according to
I went there to apply for illustration and
pattern making program.

I guess it's gonna be tough but fun:D

Automatic Parking System

Automatic Parking System!
It's not that automatic but it still lifts up cars and
park them.

Oh... this place is where I stay for now in Seoul.
( but my real home
is actually in Pusan)


This is the shirt I bought at
Daily Projects on last Sunday...

I liked it, but I didn't think I would wear it often, so
I decided to exchange w/ another product!

shirt by Marios