

I'm planning to go to NYC
on this saturday!!!!!!(to shop...)

But I am unfortunately going alone :(
If someone wants to( or can)
go with me, tell me!


Daisy's pink watch was outstanding!
I am not a watch-lover, but hers was
totally likable!

Bio text

This is a pic from Bio text!
What about it?


Klew loves Kl3w!
His shirt is perplexing but nicely fanciful.


Singing Trio!
Well, Alex's the only one singing so...
"guitarplaying duo + singing solo" works better!

Nora laughed
when she saw them walking to the main building!
( no offense to laughing and the trio)

pic by AE

Changminm, Telma, Ellie, jonghwa, Gabie, Hannah,

Changminm, Telma, Ellie, jonghwa, Gabie, Hannah,
Harrison, Woodley and Luke!

This pic is by Andrey Egorov, so I don't know where
this pic is taken... but it's very nice!

I love Telma! She definitly would love hard rock
considering her facial expression and gesture!


Molly hasn't been on the
blog for a long time! It's because
I couldn't see her or didn't see her or
she wasnt here when i was here or
I was here when she was there or
I was not present in the place where she was present
but not because she's not stylish!
Nice tshirt! Very punk!


John+Alex have same shoes
in different colors!

Andrey Sierra

Andrey and Sierra
look good together!
While Andrey was red,
Sierra was grey!


Matt's wearing a shirt
which looks like a uniform of
a famous soccer team!
He looked so tired!


white+pink inNatallie's outfit was so
Spring like! Nice:D


Seungyeob didn't like
his face, and said he wants to
get a plastic surgery!
It was probably a joke, but
you never know, because it's

Jake Zoe

Jake and Zoe!
Well, Zoe's been always there....
Jake's shirt was exceptionally colorful
considering his usual outfits.

Zoe seemed to be sad :(


Oliver was looking at the
victim: Matt.
He tried to pants Matt!

He failed.......but
I didn't want to see Matt's underwear
anyway, so it was all fine.

Oliver used to be my best friend when he was
in Alg II with me!
We always
stole Spencer's M&Ms.

Ben Harry

Ben and Harry never break
handshakes first!
I think it's pointless but at the sametime
it's quite admirable since it is
really hard to hold one's hand for a long time.


I think Morgan can sleep
Ifound her in the stage sleeping once, and
you know she always sleeps in the
meeting room before collection!
No offense to sleeping though :D


Conversations we have are usually unrelated to the agenda..
Today, we shared jokes!
I couldn't understand Anna's telegram joke which
was too outdated for 21st century.


Zoya's long yellow shirt inside looked
good with her short hoody.
Short/Long are good match!


Randy asked me to post this artwork for
she thought it is related to fashion.

I said, "May be." since
you never know what will happen, right?

but Randy wanted an answer with certainty... and
urged me.

Anyhow, this artwork is by JOojoo.
that dress is very flower-ish!


Nate fixed his headphones with
the pink duct tape!
They looked better with lil bit of pinkness.


Izabela was into her artwork.
She wore another nice belt by the way.

Sean Mandy

Sean and Mandy are always together.
i like Mandy's pink nails!


Caroline's so red today.
From her water bottle to her vest!
She was working on artwork with mac book!


Sonia's complexion is so white today.
She's wearing an Oakwood hoody!


Paul wasn't studying, but
he pretended to study!
He has inclass essay soon.


I think more people started to recycle
after earth share day!

The art of reading

The art of reading.....
Aren't they just artworks which are
irrelevant to reading?

Natallie Ted

Natallie and Ted.
Natallie didn't wear custom-made shoes today...
but those shoes are still fine!
Ted's grey sneakers are also nice!


Jay got an earing!
It was really shiny.


Jonghwa is in a typical weekend outfit, but
his outfit somehow looks good!

Charlie Julie

Charlie's announcement was beautiful this morning.
His Use of analogy was just nice!

Kevin= bird in the sky

Julie and Charlie were wearing skyblue shirts!


Chad's holding a cup of coffee..

I heard Harrison jumped on Chad,
and Harry made Chad spill
coffee on Chad's shirt many months ago!

Party at the Farm!

Party at the Farm!
I cannot go....but it will be fun!
Food, Dancing and.....many things!


Najah has never given me food, so
I've never tasted it, but I guess
they'd be good.