
Daisy Anna Najah

I wanted to see how bagels are sold, so
I went to the middleschool building.

Then, I found Najah asking me
if one of the cremecheeses is mine!
I said no, and Najah kept it......

Daisy found out it was hers and also
realized that Najah cut the line!
They started to fight after all.
(not serious fight though)

Though, as you can see, everything
got settled down somehow!

Their poses are lovely and funny!
I like this picture a lot :d


I was so embarassed today...because
I absentmindedly walked into the freesby game!

Anyway, my fashion-theme was children's day.
Do you see childish factors?

-cardigan by American Apparel, shirt by
KTZ, pants and socks by HenrikVibskov,
shoes by Belly Button-


Zoya's green shirt corresponds to
the background! So green!

Her strawberry sandles were cute too.

Two strawberries are really attached to the sandles;
it's just that you can't see them very well!


Chris's shirt is nice, and he likes it too!
I don't know what creature's drawn
on that shirt though.....


Lesley's t-shirt fooled me!
I thought she was wearing an actual belt just backward!

Nate, Rollypops, my Rollypop and Greg

I thought Nate was offering a free rolly pop.
I was happy and little surprised at the same time
since I love free stuff and I didn't know
Nate was that kind.

They weren't free though!
(it doesn't mean nate's not nice.)
Greg ended up buying me a rollypop which
eventually was eaten by Jooyeob, not me.
I was happy and little surprised at the same time
since I love free stuff and I didn't know
Greg was that kind.


Woodley's functional backpack which
can be transformed into a little trunk is very simlar
to my functional backpack which
can be transformed into a little trunk!
They aren't identical though. no....

Jooyeob Gerry

Jooyeob loves that pose, and
Gerry was copying Jooyeob!


Sean made a t-shirt printed all over with
Ahhhhh...optical illusion again...!


Honggee didn't want his body to
appear from the pic, so I instead took a pic
of his keychains!

green one by Supreme,
that character by Disney!

Hannah and Julian

It was Hannah and Julian's birthday+children's day!
Happy birthday!

Nice sunglasses, Hannah!

Imani Mandy

Imani and Mandy seem very close together, but
that pose is made up! Inspite of "made up" pose, they
are indeed good friends I believe.
White dots on Imani's purple scarf are beautiful!


I grew suspicious when I saw Caroline's red
water bottle... well, Who know's if something else
is in it?

Green Liquid?

Katherine and Izabela

Katherine and Izabela were talking to
Randy. I dont remember what they were saying but
..... their styles are are cool.
I like Katherine's jersey and Izabela's skirt!


Pretty Flowers are all over on Elaine and Julie!
I don't mean that Elaine and Julie are flowers though


Kelsey's turtles are cute!
I like her hands vibrating rapidly.
I saw Ted wearin turtles t-shirt too, but
I couldn't take pic of him,..


I took pic of Paul as I took pic of Dylan, but
Paul doesn't look holy at all!
Nice shirt though :D


From christological point of view, the image of
Jesus Christ appears from Dylan!
He's sacrosanct.


Rachael's style was really amirable today!
Her blue top and heels mathced nicely.
She couldn't go in due to the bagel she's holding.

Jonghwa and Celia

Jonghwa and Celia are paparazzied.
Celia's one-piece was stylish!

A Stool

I had to stand on the stool because
I am not tall enough to see everyone!

I wanna be lil bit taller :(