I sat on the back seat which I really hate!
The bumps were killing me!
Iheard that enormous bumps can rather cause accidents!
(and Oakwood has bunch of big bumps)

About 2-5months ago,
Q said that "Oakwood Commons"
will be a new dormitary next year.
I didn't believe it, but Seungyeob screamed out
with excitement!

Everyone got something to eat.
I bought Honey Bourbon Chicken.
Hochul and Jooyeob bought Steak House beef deep.
Everyone else bought coffee, fruits, and baked stuff.

That's Zoe's driver's license!

That's driver's lisence of a random Mexican guy.
Zoe said he found it by chance...
Peter told me that id was my fake id!!!
It'd be really bad fake id though cuz
that guy doesn't look like me at all.

Kelsey took pic of herself with Anna.
That looks like a typically banal and commonly general
Facebook picture!

This picture is the best part I guess.
I am eating my honey something chicken on
small wheat bread so deliciously.
( It wasn't so great....though)