
Zack and Steph

Last Saturday was Zack's birthday!
Happy birth day!

I heard Steph saying
"I am still waiting for my birthday present from
last year!"


I forgot to post pic of Sarah... and
that's why it is posted in a random place among
many other freshmans. Technically, this post has to
be posted right after the post of Dylan....

Her hat and her hair looked great together. It can be compared to
an indispensable harmony of bagel and creamcheese
(or butter if you would)!


Chad asked, "Why weren't you here on last Friday?"
Woodley replied, " Because my sister didn't go to school and
it was half-day last friday!"

I like Woodley's answer a lot. I was very Woodlish!


Steve was soooo excited when
he realized that I took pic of him!
It was right before he tried to gesture!


I had a deal with Zack.
He promised me that he'd give me a piece of
browny IF I take
picture of him and his brwony.

I of course loved that deal since the only thing I had to do
was pressing a button lightly with my index finger.

By the way, Will Callaway's Browny was monsterously
DELICIOUS! I should have bought them but
I didn't have any money anyway, so....


Anna's wearing sneakers that I havent seen.
It's probably her 1st time wearing them but I can never
Anyway, they looked harmonious with her black jacket!


I can see "appetite"on Lucia's face :D

i am like her too when I am hungry... every one is.

I liked Lucia's Stanford hoody!


I paparazzied some people today... and
Sierra is again one of the victims.

um... her grey boots and jeans matched out well!
i hope her boots didn't get staind by the rain and mud.


I dont know if I spelled her name right...
Anyway, her rainbow socks opened my eyes so big!

Here, "big" is not an adverb and you may think "big" is incorrect, but
a famous poet, Walt Whitman uses "so long" in his poem often too, so it's
technically/gramtically wrong but it's still justified to use "so big" in this kind
of sentence Ithink. Iam just saying.

Simon and JD

That's Simon and,.,,

That's JD!

Rain made them run faster, and eventually made them
have lunch earlier than usual!

In the dining hall, JD asked me to untie that sack of bread, and
I just ripped it off!


Greg was working on the paper for AP English.
He then took a pic of me with his macbook!

Clare Lee Julia

Clare Lee Julia seemed to study something that's unknown to me.
They were enjoying it I guess but then they were shocked
when they found out that I was paparazzing them!


I was chilling in the bathroom and I saw myself
reflected on the mirror. I was very charmed by myself and
I couldn't stop taking pics of myself. I like me a lot.
Iknow it's lame and sorta shameful.
-t-shirt by Cassette Playa-


He was eager to sell Brownies!
I think Will is stained with materialism.

He was trying to fix my big blue pen which
Joojoo broke but my pen's never fixed!
Thanks though!


I've never seen Jake wearing jeans!
It was an unusual phenomenon!

Imani and Natallie

Imani and Natallie were hugging each other!
Anyway, it was good to see Nat.
I hope she recovers quickly, quickly as a speed of light.


Kunhee's paparazzied by
Jonghwa. Some say that Kunhee's hairstyle
resembles Beethovens hairstyle!

Jonghwa and Celia

Jonghwa took away my lovely camera and
took pics of Celia.....
Celia was eating Sunchip which is one of my favorite chips.


Dylan was tatooing on his right leg!
It was probably to impress Lacey!
( in that those tatoos are actually calculations for
the problems from precal)


Nathaniel once confessed that
he checks my blog everyday, and It was so good to hear that!
Converse's very common but they especially
look nice when Nate wears 'em!


Izabela was wearing a leather jacket!
Although a leather jacket is not really my favorite,
it at least looked good on Izabela!

Rainy day+ Leather Jacket are good match!


Kelsey's wearing tie-dye shirt!
She bought this in DC, and she reversed the t-shirt so
that no one can see "I love DC" on the shirt!
I like tie-dye shirt but I don't have any :(


I've never seen Bill in the art room...
but anyway he stole bunch of paper towel!


Minji always poses like that!
One hand on one cheek!
I like it though... :D