
Dylan Molly Zoe Harry

It is an uncommon phenomenon.
It is really hard to see Dylan Molly Zoe and Harry
together in one bench with food at about 12:25!
I am glad Zoe came back today :d


Bill got blogged three times today!

By the way, we went out to observe flowers.
Bill taught me how to distinguish monocot and
dicot but i couldn't understand the concept for a while.


Hannah's gangsta!

i don't know how to describe her eyes..
but I always liked her eyes which
are very clear but still obscure.

Is she wearing contact lens?

Daisy and Gabie

Daisy and Gabie were wrestling for some reason!

Anyhow, we were waiting for the snack, since we werent
aware of the fact that Snacks are never provided on

Mandy Sean

Mandy was quite gansterous while
Sean was neat! I liked Mandy's hat which
is probably Sean's and Sean's blue shoes!


Helena's outfit was well coorinated.
One piece and shoes like those are
good to see *.*

Lacey and Sungbum

Lacey was horrified by Sungbum's shoulder bone!
She saw disconnected part of the bone
and stepped back.
Lacey interviewed him for a while before the class.

JP Bill

Bill looks like an evil trying to
tempt an innocent human being in
one of Nathaniel Hawthorne's
dark romantic novels!
(he's not really evil though as
you know :)


Sarah J Powers!

California Pistachio Nuts

Align Centre
California Pistachio Nuts were brought by
Dylan Hamilton to Nora's postmodernism class,and
they could harm Nora by great chance since
Nora's allergic to certain nuts!!!!!!!!!!


Dylan was threatening me as
you can see! Though, Dylan usually
makes my day with his unexpectedness :D


Gretchen got paparazzied! i liked
her sleeveless shirt '-'


Oliver was quite inactive this morning, but then
he got energized by Dylan's pistachio nuts!


Natallie's shoes were yellow,,, not just yellow but
yellow that i like.


Shoes from Converse are not so expensive and
also stylish.
Ripped off jeans are good match with converse :D

Andrey and Matt

I was trying to take pic
of Andrey, but Matt blocked him!
So, I tried it again.

Andrey's flourescent jacket is especially


Alex's shoelaceless shoes are
so innovative! I heard they
are comfortable too.


Those are Ariana's feet!
Her socks are my taste.
Her feet may smell like fruits too.


Pete was missing today, so
Bill was a substitute for him!
I expected no quiz considering Pete's absence, but
I still had to take muscle/bone quiz which
drove me crazy!
I aced it though..... Ihope.


Keith was too tired to be photographed,so
he was frowning!

pic by Harry


Harrison's wearing the shirt that
his brother gave!
Oliver's a good brother I guess!


Morgan was sleeping on the bench again!
I will try that soon too!