

Andrey once asked...
"Is your name really pronounced Dai-lan"?

Dylan said,
"no, it's Dylan"

Andrey said,
"Oh.... ! should i call you Dylan from now on?
I am really sorry!"

Dylan answered,
"No no no no, please don't. Although my name
is Dylan, i like how my name is pronounced!
Di-lan is very unique."

Ted & Rachael

Ted + Rachael!
Rachael's blazer's so trendy!

Zoe Ben Molly Zoya

Zoe Ben Molly Zoya!

Iknew Zoya would wear black pants even before i see her today
by instinct (Believe it or not).
I think i am an presciently intellectual!

I thought i successfully paparazzied them, but Molly knew
that I took pic of them.... she probably has psychokinesis too.


We have many Lee(Li)s in Oakwood and
some of them are on IS.

Geesu lee
Eunji lee
Honggee lee
jamie lee
natallie li
gabie li
silan li


I was photographed by myself taking picture of
me. I love my pants which are actually an overall!

-shirt,pants by Bernhard Willhelm, shoes by


Bob! He was a music teacher for a while in Oakwood as
you may know....but I didn't know he actually sold
musics! that's a cassette tape I found in Aaron's music room.


I couldnt see K-lew for a while.

John was posing next to Kevin, but
I tried my best to not put John in this picture!



Daisy's so blurry here....
The scribblings on her shoes are witty!


Daewoong's posing like a gang.
His crimson shirt makes him stylish!


Ariana wore cool pants again today.
Very red!


Jonghwa likes salad with balsamic vineager!
I like that too.


Matt went to dollar store during advisory...
he bought bling tatoo and fly-slapper.
He said i'm his best friend, but I'm not sure
if I really am...probably...somehow I am.


CBullDaug's style is sick.
His red t-shirt and purple collared
t-shirt match really well~
Good luck with your game tomorrow.


Peter's pose is so ultimate!!
He couldnt come to the school on
earth-share day, so he felt alienated!


Angela was selling prom pictures!!!
I hated picture of me... but my kind peers told me it's nice
, so I sort of got to like my pic.

Can you see Dan's facial expression in those pictures?

Paper Flowers

Rachael folded paper flowers probably for Ted.


Wilton said, "I feel like an angel."
I don't think someone can feel like an angel,
and he didn't even look like an angel.
I assume that it's a good feeling though!


Gretchen's boots are so chic!
Harry and I discussed about those boots..
i thought they are from Texas, but
Harry argued that they are from new york.
Who knows...

Her paisley cardigan was also good.


Jooyeob's windbreaker is cool.
i have similar but really purple one!


Zoe and I were talking about the cutest kid in Oakwood.
Zoe thought Hudson was cute....and
I thought Issac is cute... not John!


Eddie produces elcetronic music!
I liked his performance in open mic a lot.


Nate was wearing a t-shirt with a white skull.
I saw Oliver wearing that too, so
I got quite confused o_o


Justin's one of the stylish dudes.
His style is very hiphopish!

t-shirt by Stussy


Zoe's frowning but she wasnt really upset.
She was wearing a t-shirt that
her brother made. I heard
he made it when he was really young!

t-shirt by Zoe's brother

Dunkin Donuts

Gillian bought donuts for ceramics class!
I liked the one with jelly inside the most!